Hedging Buxus - Box
Buy Box hedging (Buxus) from Spring Reach Nursery.
You can buy a large range of sizes of
hedging Buxus direct from Spring
Reach Nursery in Surrey which is only 5 mins from RHS
Wisley. Alternatively, we can send mail order to anywhere in England,
Wales and the Scottish Borders.
For prices and availability of container grown and rootballed Buxus hedging in
a range of sizes from 10cm to 40cm contact SPRING REACH NURSERY at info@springreachnursery.co.uk or
01483 284769.
The following Buxus varieties are available:
Buxus sempervirens (common box)
The common box is the largest growing variety growing very slowly to a large shrub and is the most frequently planted variety used for hedging. Like all box bushes it responds really well to pruning and topiary and is easy to grow. It will grow up to 10cm per year.
Buxus sempervirens Suffruiticosa
This form is best suited for parterres and for growing really low hedges. It is much slower growing than the common box growing no more than 3-5cm a year.
Buxus sempervirens Elegantissima
The main feature of this variety is its striking creamy gold variegation that gives it added interest making it particularly good for growing as specimens in a shrub border. The rate of growth is similar to that of the common box
Buxus sempervirens the common box makes a wonderful small to medium sized formal evergreen hedge and has been widely used for centuries. It can be seen in some of England’s finest formal gardens as hedges or as topiary where it can be found in a vast array of formal shapes. The box plant normally has small shiny dark green leaves and has a slow growth rate when compared to most traditional hedging plants but this is its big advantage as it only needs trimming once a year and so is a very low maintenance hedge. It Is suitable for planting on a wide range of soils that are reasonably fertile but do not get waterlogged. It will grow in full sun or quite shady sites and is really good for growing in pots.
Buy Buxus topiary from Spring Reach Nursery available as Buxus cones,Buxus cubes, pyramids, Buxus balls and spirals for that contemporary look.
Ring For prices and sizes Telephone Spring Reach Nursery, 01483 284769 or email info@springreachnursery.co.uk